INSTALLING THE CONCEPTS THAT MODIFY BEHAVIORSDo you find yourself or a loved one repeating the same negative behavior over and over again? Perhaps you constantly find yourself being...
HOW DISORIENTATION UNDERMINES CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGDisorientation and distorted perceptions do more than create symptoms of dyslexia.
A Dyslexic Child in SchoolProficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. With an ever increasing emphasis..
Multiple IntelligencesThe idea of multiple intelligences was conceived by Dr. Howard Gardner. Multiple intelligences are seven different ways people demonstrate..
Modes of Learning & How they Can be Combined in One ProgramDr. Glasser is an internationally recognized psychiatrist. He states: We learn…Clay mastery techniques address all modes of learning...
Learning Styles, Their Differences & AdvantagesEducators are taught there are three learning styles: visual, auditory and tactile/kinaesthetic. Good instruction includes all three...